Register for Advocacy Days 2025
The Florida Faith Advocacy Days 2025 will be held from February 18-20, coinciding with the final week of committee meetings for the session commencing in March. The event will include a day of training followed by a day dedicated to visiting legislators and attending committee meetings. Our primary focus will be to highlight the needs of the residents of Florida as understood through our community ministries.
Our advocacy serves as a crucial voice in addressing the requirements of the most vulnerable individuals in our communities. Currently, there is a prevailing trend within the Florida legislature to limit funding for human services while promoting policies that favor business interests. Indeed, the business sector spends significant resources to influence legislation in its favor. This shift away from addressing basic human needs underscores the necessity of our advocacy. As people of faith, we embrace the emphasis of scripture to have empathy and compassion for the less fortunate in society. Caring for the vulnerable is how we welcome a healthy and prosperous Florida where everyone flourishes.
Happy are those whose … hope is in the Lord their God, who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry… The Lord watches over the immigrant; upholds the orphan and the widow, but brings the way of the wicked to ruin.
Psalm 146:9ff
Advocacy Training
Participants of the Advocacy Days will be informed about pending legislation, allowing them to concentrate on their specific concerns derived from their community ministry experiences. They will also engage directly with their legislators to communicate these concerns. It is imperative that we make our voices heard, as the initial step towards a just and equitable society is the testimony of those who witness injustice and inadequate living conditions.
We will uphold gospel values such as feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, visiting the imprisoned, welcoming strangers, and promoting inclusion. Additionally, we will advocate for a truly free society that accommodates all religious expressions without favoritism. We will speak up the image of God dwelling in every person.
Training and lodging will be provided at the Florida People’s Advocacy Center, located one mile from the Capitol, making it a pleasant walk or easy drive. Registration for the event includes meals, materials, and lodging. Please note that lodging at the Advocacy Center features communal bathrooms and rooms typically accommodating two to three beds. The rates are minimal. Those preferring a hotel accommodation should make their own arrangements.
Plan to arrive by early afternoon on February 18 and depart midday February 20.
Register at Advocacy Days 2025