Gathered by the life-giving Spirit
and shaped by the cross of Christ,
the church proclaims hope through Jesus
and pursues God’s justice for all.

The Council embrace the concept of
missio Dei – the mission of God.

We have come to see that mission is not merely an activity of the church. Rather, mission is the result of God’s initiative, rooted in God’s purposes to restore and heal creation. ‘Mission’ means ‘sending,’ and it is the central biblical theme describing the purpose of God’s action in human history…. We have begun to learn that the biblical message is more radical, more inclusive, more transforming than we have allowed it to be. In particular, we have begun to see that the church of Jesus Christ is not the purpose or goal of the gospel, but rather its instrument and witness…. God’s mission is calling and sending us, the church of Jesus Christ, to be a missionary church in our own societies, in the cultures in which we find ourselves.”

Darrell Gruber, The Gospel and Our Culture Network (Wikipedia)


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