Facing Forward

Forgetting what lies behind and facing forward to what lies ahead,
let us press on towards the goal of our high calling from God in Christ Jesus!

We began 2020 with a very different prospect than it ended. COVID-19 has revealed multiple pandemics. We’ve known they were there: white supremacy, violence, environmental degradation, health and income disparities. Now the great majority have realized that we all have suffered from multiple pandemics. With vaccinations now rolling out, our anxieties over coronavirus infections begin to dissipate. Let us turn our attention to face forward with resolve to pursue our high calling. Our cause is spiritual in nature – a spirituality that shapes worldly affairs so that they reflect God’s intention of wellbeing and fulness for all people. In the name of the one who died for all, let us hear the cries, render Good Samaritan help, and heal the body politic.


January 7, 2021 9:30 am—2:00 pm

Online FLASH Assembly

Morning Session

9:30 am: Opening of Assembly – introductions

9:45 am: Devotions – Rev. James T. Golden, Esq.

10:00 am: Welcome & Framing Our Conversation – Rev. Dr. Russell Meyer

10:15 am: Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, The Reign of God in Human Affairs (Biography)

11:00 am: Rev. Dr. Russell Meyer, Jubilee at the Capitol (Biography)

11:30 am: Senior Bishop Adam J. Richardson, Healing the People (Biography)

12:15 pm: Lunch break with online chat rooms 

Afternoon Session:

12:45 PM: First Panel Discussion: Advocacy During Pandemic with Karen Woodall and Bacardi Jackson

1:20 PM Second Panel Discussion: The Spiritual Struggle for Good Policy with former Rep. Jennifer Webb and Rev. Dr. James Morris

Register below or at https://forms.gle/8rQxM6dNTE5w28po7 


Faith Leaders Advancing Shared Hope

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