All religions believe in justice.On Sunday, March 3rd, hundreds of farmworkers from the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) and their consumer allies in Florida and across the country will gather at Jesus Obrero Catholic Church in Ft. Myers to begin a two-week, 200-mile march to Publix corporate headquarters in Lakeland, Florida. Marchers will be calling on Florida’s beloved grocery giant to honor the breakthrough social responsibility partnership for farm labor reform known as the Fair Food Program (FFP).

Some 1500 people joined the farmworkers on the final leg of their march. They gathered at Oakbridge Shopping Center, Sunday, March 17, 2 PM to walk three miles to Publix headquarters to attend the 4 PM ceremony. Publix officials prevented children and grandparents from walking across their property in the parking lot if they were headed to join the marchers.

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