Upper Room Seminar: Let’s Save All God’s Children

Friday, May 25, 10 AM – 2 PM

Allen Chapel AME, 1203 Olive Avenue, Sanford, FL 32771

Open to all church leaders, clergy and laity.

Lunch will be ordered out for participants.

Please read the following material in advance.

Dr. Wood: “Let’s Save All of God’s Children”

Rev. Meyer: “Whither Jubilee Economics”




  1. A meaningful start towards feeling the pain of the dispossessed, people and communities. 
  2. An initial probing – predicament and prospect that face said communities.   
  3. A new milestone of enlightenment / insight / encouragement. 
  4. A next step start together in doing the work we all agree must be done. 
  5. A test of the growing capacity we must develop to get it done. 
  • A new embrace and immersion into the predicament of ADVERSITY as the lived experience of the dispossessed and deprived people and communities. “Do we yet feel their pain?” May this be a meaningful start, but don’t stop here.  UGH
  • An initial ANALYSIS of the pain and predicament making possible a new vision from the Valley of Death, to the Village of Hope. What is the truth that sets us free, and what provisions have we made for disseminating that new understanding up and down the levels of God’s Family?   HMM
  • A broader and deeper sense of AWARENESS, the next level of group motivation.  AHA
  • A broader and deeper experience of ALIGNMENT making for a unifying community of love traveling towards a Promised Land of Destiny, so that at least those who participate, will know it in the deep places of their soul, and some who witness it will glorify God. Our coming together is around the work we must do.   WOW
  • An ASSESSMENT of whatever levels of development our gathering has added to the growing capacity of our Communities, whether family, persons, Faith Houses, Institutions of Learning, Earning, Owning, and Celebrating – the new life we now enjoy together.  YES

Dr. Virgil A. Wood, 281 464 3822   drwood@soulscope.com     website: soulscope.com

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