This is page is a historical record of the Council’s long-standing ministry in eco-justice.


Florida Council of Churches: Earth Issues



* Stopping Preventable Pollution

* Links to Earth Issue Websites



Venture of Faith


The Cherishing the Creation Committee has been changed into a “Commission” under the new structure of the Florida Council of Churches. The Commission has been meeting monthly throughout the summer to develop its Mission Statement, and to plan its activities in its efforts to encourage all of our churches to develop a spiritual ministry locally of stewardship of God’s Creation.

The Mission Statement is:

The Florida Council of Churches, in keeping with its mission “to manifest creatively God’s good and just purposes” among Florida’s faith community, recognizes that all Creation is an expression of the goodness and bounty of God. Through spiritual guidance, action and justice, we are called to respect the integrity of God’s Creation and to cherish, nurture and provide loving stewardship for this Earth entrusted to us.

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In 1992, Sir Michael Atiyah, president of the Royal Society of London, and Dr. Frank Press, president of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, issued a joint statement under the title, “Population Growth, Resource Consumption and a Sustainable World.”[1] The Royal Society, founded in 1660, is sometimes called the United Kingdom’s Academy of Science.

This joint statement, issued by two of the world’s leading scientific organizations, was unprecedented. The Royal Society, in particular, had in the past been very reluctant to issue pronouncements on matters of public policy that might stir controversy. Unfortunately, this important joint statement was almost entirely ignored by the world’s media. Therefore, we are reprinting it verbatim.

The statement says that if population growth continues and patterns of human activity remain unchanged, “science and technology may not be able to prevent either irreversible degradation of the environment or continued poverty for much of the world.”

“The future of our planet is in the balance” the statement says. “Sustainable development can be achieved, but only if irreversible degradation of the environment can be halted in time. The next 30 years may be crucial.”

The joint statement:


In its 1991 report on world population, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) states that population growth is even faster than forecast in its report of 1984. Assuming nevertheless that there will in the future be substantial and sustained falls in fertility rates, the global population is expected in the UN’s mid-range projection to rise from 5.4 billion in 1991 to 10 billion in 2050. This rapid rise may be unavoidable; considerably larger rises must be expected if fertility rates do not stabilize at the replacement level of about 2.1 children per woman. At present, about 95 percent of this growth is in the less developed countries (LDCs); the percentage of global population that live in the LDCs is projected to increase from 77 percent in 1990 to 84 percent in 2020.


Although there is a relationship between population, economic activity, and the environment, it is not simple. Most of the environmental changes during the twentieth century have been a product of the efforts of humans to secure improved standards of food, clothing, shelter, comfort, and recreation. Both developed and developing countries have contributed to environmental degradation. Developed countries, with 85 percent of the world’s gross national product and 23 percent of its population, account for the majority of mineral and fossil-fuel consumption. One issue alone, the increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide, has the potential for altering global climate with significant consequences for all countries. The prosperity and technology of the developed countries, however, give them the greater possibilities and the greater responsibility for addressing environmental problems.

In the developing countries the resource consumption per capita is lower, but the rapidly growing population and the pressure to develop their economies are leading to substantial and increasing damage to the local environment. This damage comes by direct pollution from energy use and other industrial activities, as well as by activities such as clearing forests and inappropriate agricultural practices.


Scientific and technological innovations, such as in agriculture, have been able to overcome many pessimistic predictions about resource constraints affecting human welfare. Nevertheless, the present patterns of human activity accentuated by population growth should make even those most optimistic about future scientific progress pause and reconsider the wisdom of ignoring these threats to our planet. Unrestrained resource consumption for energy production and other uses, especially if the developing world strives to achieve living standards based on the same levels of consumption as the developed world, could lead to catastrophic outcomes for the global environment.

Some of the environmental changes may produce irreversible damage to the earth’s capacity to sustain life. Many species have already disappeared, and many more are destined to do so. Man’s own prospects for achieving satisfactory living standards are threatened by environmental deterioration, especially in the poorest countries where economic activities are most heavily dependent upon the quality of natural resources.

If they are forced to deal with their environmental and resource problems alone, the LDCs face overwhelming challenges. They generate only 15 percent of the world’s GNP, and have a net cash outflow of tens of billions of dollars per year. Over one billion people live in absolute poverty, and 600 million on the margin of starvation. And the LDCs have only 6-7 percent of the world’s active scientists and engineers, a situation that makes it very difficult for them to participate fully in global or regional schemes to manage their own environment.

In places where resources are administered effectively, population growth does not inevitably imply deterioration in the quality of the environment. Nevertheless, each additional human being requires natural resources for sustenance, each produces by-products that become part of the ecosystem, and each pursues economic and other activities that affect the natural world. While the impact of population growth varies from place to place and from one environmental domain to another, the overall pace of environmental changes has unquestionably been accelerated by the recent expansion of the human population.


There is an urgent need to address economic activity, population growth, and environmental protection as interrelated issues. The forthcoming UN Conference on Environment and Development, to be held in Brazil, should consider human activities and population growth, in both the developing and developed worlds, as crucial components affecting the sustainability of human society.

Effective family planning, combined with continued economic and social development in the LDCs, will help stabilize fertility rates at lower levels and reduce stresses to the global environment. At the same time, greater attention in the developed countries to conservation, recycling, substitution and efficient use of energy, and a concerted program to start mitigating further buildup of greenhouse gases will help to ease the threat to the global environment.

Unlike many other steps that could be taken to reduce the rate of environmental changes, reductions in rates of population growth can be accomplished through voluntary measures. Surveys in the developing world repeatedly reveal large amounts of unwanted childbearing. By providing people with the means to control their own fertility, family planning programs have major possibilities to reduce rates of population growth and hence to arrest environmental degradation. Also, unlike many other potential interventions that are typically specific to a particular problem, a reduction in the rate of population growth would affect many dimensions of environmental changes. Its importance is easily underestimated if attention is focused on one problem at a time.


What are the relevant topics to which scientific research can make mitigating contributions? These include: development of new generations of safe, easy to use, and effective contraceptive agents and devices; development of environmentally benign alternative energy sources; improvements in agricultural production and food processing; further research in plant and animal genetic varieties; further research in biotechnology relating to plants, animals, and preservation of the environment; improvements in public health, especially through development of effective drugs and vaccines for malaria, hepatitis, AIDS, and other infectious diseases causing immense human burdens. Also needed is research on topics such as: improved land-use practices to prevent ecological degradation, loss of topsoil, and desertification of grasslands; better institutional measures to protect watersheds and groundwater; new technologies for waste disposal, environmental remediation, and pollution control; new materials that reduce pollution and the use of hazardous substances during their life cycle; and more effective regulatory tools that use market forces to protect the environment.

Greater attention also needs to be given to understanding the nature and dimension of the world’s biodiversity. Although we depend directly on biodiversity for sustainable productivity, we cannot even estimate the numbers of species of organisms-plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms-to an order of magnitude [a factor of 10]. We do know, however, that the current rate of reduction in biodiversity is unparalleled over the past 65 million years. The loss of biodiversity is one of the fastest-moving aspects of global change, is irreversible, and has serious consequences for the human prospect in the future.

What are the limits of scientific contributions to the solution of resource and environmental problems? Scientific research and technological innovation can undoubtedly mitigate these stresses and facilitate a less destructive adaptation of a growing population to its environment. Yet, it is not prudent to rely on science and technology alone to solve problems created by rapid population growth, wasteful resource consumption, and harmful human practices.


The application of science and technology to global problems is a key component of providing a decent standard of living for a majority of the human race. Science and technology have an especially important role to play in developing countries in helping them to manage their resources effectively and to participate fully in worldwide initiatives for common benefit.

Capabilities in science and technology must be strengthened in LDCs as a matter of urgency through joint initiatives from the developed and developing worlds. But science and technology alone are not enough. Global policies are urgently needed to promote more rapid economic development throughout the world, more environmentally benign patterns of human activity, and a more rapid stabilization of world population.

The future of our planet is in the balance. Sustainable development can be achieved, but only if irreversible degradation of the environment can be halted in time. The next 30 years may be crucial.

[End of joint statement.] [1] See the original statement at Or at

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Stopping Preventable Pollution


A new program is underway in our state called the Florida Clean Power Campaign. The Campaign is an exciting initiative spearheaded by the Florida Consumer Action Network, Florida Public Interest Research Group, Legal Environmental Assistance Foundation, and Project for an Energy Efficient Florida. The Campaign is part of a national effort to focus public attention on the consequences of power plant emissions.

The Florida Council of Churches has joined this effort to stop preventable pollution, create a healthier environment for us all, and protect God’s creation. The connection between breathing clean air and living a better life is clear. Unfortunately, more and more people know someone who suffers from asthma or other lung ailments, caused or accentuated by pollution. Although electric power plants are not the sole source of pollution, they are a major contributor to it. In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Trends Report, in 1995 alone emissions from power plants were responsible for 66% of the Sulfur Dioxide, 29% of the Nitrogen Oxides, and 36% of the Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere.

Besides contaminating the air we breathe, Nitrogen Oxide and Sulfur Dioxide contribute to the formation of acid rain, a further threat to human health and the health of our planet. Acid rain is taking a significant toll on our land and water resourcesãsuch as by depleting our forests, damaging agricultural lands, and endangering our potable water supplies. It contributes to the leaching of heavy metals from the soil into our drinking water and leads to nutrient loading in our estuaries, streams, rivers, and lakes which result in algae blooms and depleted oxygen, spoiling drinking water and killing fish.

Mercury is also being released into the air from the burning of fossil fuels for energy, and it, too, is finding its way into our water resources. Mercury is an unusually insidious pollutant in that it bioaccumulates in the food chain and, because of its toxic nature, can lead to both brain damage and developmental problems. While the public is becoming more aware of environmental concerns like these, what most people don’t know is that Congress gave power companies an exemption from the Clean Air Act in 1970 (and again in 1977). Through this exemption, older power plants were “grandfathered in” so that the utility companies are not subject to environmental regulations on Nitrogen Oxide and Sulfur Dioxide for some 700 power plants nationwide. Yet, it is these old fossil fuel-burning power plants that create most of the pollution at issue. In addition to these standards, there are currently no pollution control standards for any power plants on the release of Mercury and Carbon Dioxide.

Congress and other policy makers will be making important decisions about these matters that will affect us all. If there is no public outcry, there will be no penalties or incentives to bring about change in favor of good health. In the meantime, the EPA estimates that at least 40,000 people per year will die prematurely because of fine particle air pollution, and the incidence of asthma and other pollution related impacts will escalate.

The opportunities for you to get involved are many and varied. Of foremost importance: contact your elected representatives in the Congress and ask them to close the loophole for utility power plants. You can help, too, by informing our state elected officials on the need to promote alternative sources of energy like solar power and energy efficiency technologies.

For still other ways to offer support, or for further information, contact the Project for an Energy Efficient Florida at 707 E. Park Ave, Tallahassee, Florida 32301 or at (850) 222-0808 or via Email at

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Independent Earth Issues Websites


  • Earth Ministry — Earth Ministry’s mission is to engage individuals and congregations in knowing God more fully through deepening relationships with all of God’s creation.
  • Center for Respect for Life and Environment — The Center for Respect for Life and Environment works to awaken people’s ecological sensibilities and to transform lifestyles, institutional practices, and social policies to support the community of life.
  • National Religious Partnership for the Environment — The National Religious Partnership for the Environment is a federation of major American faith communities: the U.S. Catholic Conference, the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, the National Council of Churches of Christ, and the Evangelical Environmental Network. With a commitment “to be ourselves, together,” each of these faith groups is implementing distinctive programs on behalf of a common mission: We act in faith to cherish and protect God’s creation.
  • The Evangelical Environment Network — This evangelical inistry was initiated by World Vision and Evangelicals for Social Action as part of a growing movement among Christians to respond faithfully to biblical mandate for caring stewardship of God’screation.
  • EarthLight Magazine — EarthLight Magazine explores the relationship of nature and religion, science and the sacred, cosmology and community and is is the magazine to read if you are concerned about the fate of the planet, and have a sense that, at its root, this is a profoundly spiritual issue.
  • North American Coalition for Christianity and Ecology — The North American Coalition for Christianity and Ecology (NACCE) is an ecumenical, voluntary, tax-exempt organization which encourages the many strands of Christian tradition in the work of healing the damaged earth, out of a common concern and love for God’s creation.
  • Earth Day Network — Earth Day Network is mobilizing citizens to demand serious actions to address climate change and to reform our outdated, polluting energy system. Earth Day will lead the United States and other countries toward a swift transition to an energy efficient economy built on clean, safe, renewable energy sources.
  • Global Action Plan — Global Action Plan (GAP) has developed two unique workbook-based programs to help ordinary people (kids and adults) adopt more environmentally sustainable lifestyles. Currently, GAP is working with cities and towns across the U.S. to promote sustainable living on a communitywide scale. If you are interested in seeing a Community Lifestyle Campaign where you live, please call or e-mail us.
  • The Simple Living Network — Provides tools and living examples for those who are serious about learning to live a more conscious, simple, healthy and restorative lifestyle.
  • Alliance for Florida’s Future— Believes an active response to Global Warming is essential to protect Florida’s environment and public health, its economy, and its way of life.Return to top
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